Confrérie Ranks
This is the first step in the Confrérie du Sabre d'Or. Sabrage is performed in all approved "caveaux". It is honoured with a sabreur certificate.

This is the first step in the Confrérie du Sabre d’Or. The sabrage may be done in any Caveau or at any event attended by a Maître-Sabreur of the Confrérie.
The successful sabrage is honoured with the Diplôme de Sabreur and a Certificate from the Caveau.

The title of Chevalier- Sabreur confers the right to initiate in the art of sabrage.
Awarded during a Chapter, the title of Chevalier Sabreur may however be.
However, the title of Chevalier-Sabreur may be awarded in certain special circumstances to personalities who have contributed to the reputation of the Confrérie.

This title is granted to a Chevalier-Sabreur who has completed five years and has perfected the Art by accomplishing the sabrage of a Magnum of Champagne.
The Officier is honoured with the Reliquaire d’Officier

This title is reserved for Officiers who have completed five years and receive the recommendation of the Ambassador.
The Commandeur will successfully sabrage a Jeroboam of Champagne

Grand Commandeur
This is the highest distinction of the Confrérie du Sabre d’Or.
It is bestowed by the Grand-Maître upon a Commandeur who has given long and signal service to the Order.
The investiture is carried out at a Grand Chapitre and a Methusalem is sabraged by the new Grand Commandeur.